Do you want to make the world a better place? It might seem like a daunting task, but it can start with something as simple as teaching your kids about kindness. Kindness is one of the most important traits that we can teach our children. It makes the world a better place for everyone, and it’s something that we should all strive for. Kindness activities for kids can be a fun and easy way to teach kindness! Let’s discuss some fun ways to teach kids about kindness!
Why teaching kindness to kids matters
Teaching kindness to kids seems like a no-brainer. Who doesn’t want more kindness in the world? Even if it seems like a no brainer, it can be fun to understand why teaching kindness matters. There are many important benefits to teaching kids about kindness. Here’s just a few:
- Cultivate empathy and compassion for the people around them. When we teach our children to be kind, they learn to think about how their actions affect others and respond accordingly. In addition, kindness helps children build strong relationships with others.
- No bullying. One of the biggest benefits of teaching kindness to kids is that it helps prevent bullying. Children who are taught to be kind are less likely to bully or stand by and watch a victim get bullied. Kids who have been victims of bullying often have low self-esteem and do not feel like they can share their feelings with others out of fear that no one will understand their situation.
- Feel better about themselves. Kids that are taught to be kind learn the importance of being good people and often experience a boost in their self-esteem. Make friends. Another big benefit of teaching kindness is that it can help kids make more friends. When we teach our children to be kind, they have an opportunity to connect with others who share similar values as them.
- Kind people are happier and healthier. Teaching kindness to children can have positive impacts on their mental and physical health. People who are kind tend to be happier than those who are not.
Understanding the difference between nice and kind

It is important to understand the difference between being nice and being kind. Often times, people confuse the two and believe that they are one in the same. However, being nice and being kind can be worlds apart. Here are a few ways you can tell the difference:
- Nice: Being nice typically has more to do with acting in a pleasing way to others in order to achieve a goal. It is often focused on our own needs and how others can help fulfill them.
- Kind: Being kind has less to do with how people make us feel, and more about the way that we act towards other people. It is about helping others in order to make their lives better without expecting anything in return.
Ways to teach kindness to kids with Kindness Activities for Kids
There are so many great ways to teach kids about kindness, no matter what their age might be. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:
1. Model kind behaviors yourself. One of the best ways to teach kindness is by setting a good example for your kids. Be sure to show kindness in your actions and words towards others, and encourage your children to do the same.
2. Focus on helping others. Whether it is volunteering in your community, supporting a local charity, or even just picking up trash from the sidewalk, there are many ways that you and your kids can help others.
3. Talk about why kindness matters. Take some time to discuss the importance of being kind with your kids, and what it means both to them and the people around them.
4. Encourage empathy and compassion. There is no better way to teach kindness than by helping kids understand how others feel and why their actions matter. Showing your children how to empathize with those around them can help them make more kind choices in the future.
5. Talk about feelings. Helping kids understand and identify their emotions is another great way to teach kindness. When we can recognize how others might be feeling, it is easier for us to respond in a kind way that makes them feel supported.
Fun kindness activities for kids

There are number of activities for kids that can help to teach kindness. Here are 45+ kindness activities you can do with your kids today!
Make a kindness Motto
Sit down with your kids and come up with a list of promises that they can make to be kind to others. These might include things like “I will always listen when someone is talking to me,” or “I will never bully anyone.” Choose one or two phrases that are important to your family and write them down. Make this phrase your oath and motto. Encourage your kids to take this motto seriously, and hold each other accountable for keeping it.
Need more ideas for a family motto? Read: How to Choose Family Themes and Mottos
Brainstorm kindness ideas together
Not sure how to get your kids involved in being kind, ask them! You can get them involved in brainstorming fun ways to be kind to others. This could include things like making cards for sick friends, organizing a bake sale with proceeds going towards a good cause, or volunteering at your local animal shelter.
Start a kindness journal
Keeping track of the things that your kids do to be kind can be a great way to encourage them to continue doing kind things in the future. Have them write down their acts of kindness in a journal, and help them see how they are positively impacting those around them. You can also encourage them to list all the ways that others are kind to them!
Make compliment notes
Encourage your kids to write notes of encouragement and appreciation for others. This could be as simple as writing a note to their teacher, complimenting a peer at school, or even leaving a positive review online. Help them see that giving kindness can have a powerful impact on the people around us.
Make a kindness jar
A simple and fun way to encourage kids to do more kind things is by setting up a kindness jar. Have them write down their acts of kindness on small strips of paper, and add them to the jar. Then, every day or week, have them draw out a note and strive to keep being kind throughout the rest of the time.
Raise funds for someone that needs it
For example, I know one family that hosts a hot chocolate sale every December that raises funds for someone in need. They choose a specific cause and spend time outdoors in the cold selling hot chocolate for that cause. The sale is run primarily by this family’s children. It is a great way for the kids to learn about kindness, as well as make a difference in someone’s life.
Thank a community helper
Help your kids give thanks to the people in their community who are there to support them, from firefighters and police officers, to nurses and teachers. This could be as simple as writing a thank you note or leaving them a treat like cookies or flowers. Teaching kids about kindness by showing gratitude is one of the most powerful ways we can help shape their future.
Make birthday boxes
You can help your kids make birthday boxes to give to those in need. Simply fill the box with things like toys, books, and school supplies that could brighten a child’s day, then donate it to an organization or local shelter.
Make kindness bookmarks with kind messages
Another great way for kids to practice kindness is by making bookmarks and leaving them in books at the library, or even just around town. Have your kids write down positive messages or quotes on their bookmarks that can act as a reminder to be kind to others. You can even ask your local librarian if you can leave these bookmarks in library books to cheer up someone else.
Make surprise treat bags
Yet another fun way for kids to practice kindness is by making surprise treat bags for people. This could include things like water bottles, snacks, or lip balm and tissues. Help your kids identify people who might be in need of a little bit of encouragement and kindness, such as elderly neighbors or parents at school, then set them up with the treat.
Fix a wrinkled heart
Kids are visual. One way to learn about kindness is by teaching them about the wrinkles in our hearts. You can help your kids see this by crumpling up heart drawn on a piece of paper and then trying to flatten it out again. This can show how a heart can also be vulnerable and easily broken. Once it experiences unkindness, it can be difficult to remove those wrinkles.
Bring someone flowers
Flowers are a great way to brighten someone’s day, and they can be something fun that kids can help pick out. Talk with your child about who might benefit from flowers, such as the person working at their favorite deli or a neighbor who is feeling lonely. Then have your kid help choose some flowers for them!
Start a free lemonade stand
Another way to help kids learn about kindness is by teaching them about the importance of giving back. If your kids want to start a business of their own, you can talk with them about starting a lemonade stand that donates all its proceeds to charity. This will not only teach them the value of giving back, but also give them entrepreneurial experience that they can take with them into the future.
Donate clothes to people who need it
Help your kids find places where they can donate clothes that they no longer wear. Kids will learn how many people in the world don’t have access to proper clothing and will realize just how fortunate they are, which is a great lesson in learning about kindness.
Volunteer at a soup kitchen-
A great way for kids to learn about kindness is by volunteering at a soup kitchen. This will show them how important it is to give back and help those in need. You can even do this activity as an entire family.
Take care of animals
Taking care of animals is a great way to help kids experience the importance of kindness. Any number of animals are in need, so you can pick something easy for your kids to handle or go big and try taking care of a horse or sheep on a farm. Think about reaching out to local shelters or animal centers to find out how kids can volunteer their time.
Make blessing bags for the homeless
Help your kids make blessing bags to leave in the community. These can be filled with things like food, water, and toiletries. Help them deliver these items to different locations, such as libraries or other public buildings that aren’t typically used as homeless shelters.
Write letters of encouragement
You can also help your kids write letters of encouragement to people they know. Send the letters in the mail or deliver in person. This will help kids see how one person can make a big difference, even if it seems small at first.
Show extra love as a family
As a family, you can all work together to show kindness and love to each other every day. This means doing things like complimenting each other, making time for date nights, and discussing any problems or concerns. This will show kids how everyone can be kind to each other, even when things may not be going well.
Make kindness chains
You can start a kindness chain to show kids how one act of love and kindness can help spread more and more! Anytime someone else witnesses someone else doing something kind, you write their name on the paper and add it to the chain. It’s fun to see how long your chain can get!
Kindness chalk notes
You can help your kids make and leave their own kindness chalk notes! Purchase some sidewalk chalk in all different colors, then write out a note of encouragement in front of your home or school. This will show kids that they have the power to make an impact through something small, like a simple message of love.
Role play kind scenarios
Role playing kindness scenarios is a great way to help kids learn about the importance of being kind. You can put your kids in situations where they have to make a decision, and clearly explain what they did right or wrong. This will show them that their words and actions can have an impact on others as well as themselves.
Make smiles for strangers
Help your kids make smiles for strangers! You can purchase pre-made smiley stickers or have them paint a few hearts. Encourage your kids to leave these stickers in public places where they think others may need a little pick me up. Just make sure you don’t vandalize things in the process!
Visit nursing homes
Visiting nursing homes is also a great way to teach kids about kindness. The residents will love getting to interact with children and can help teach kids about the importance of compassion.
Write thank you notes
When was the last time your child wrote out a thank you note for something they received? You can help your kids write thank you notes for any good deeds they receive. This will show them that kindness isn’t just about giving, but also receiving graciously and appreciating others as well.
Random acts of kindness
Random Acts of Kindness are just that, random! They are a really fun way to get your kids involved in quick and easy acts of kindness. This might mean leaving cookies for a neighbor, taping a dollar to a vending machine, or more! Grab our random acts of kindness cards here!
Kindness calendar
Pick one random act of kindness each day to do as a family. You can use an online calendar or even put together your own using your own ideas!
Read books about kindness
There are so many fun books about kindness that you can read with your kids. You can even make a challenge out of reading as many as possible. This can include books like:
Be kind
What is Given from the heart
How full is your bucket?
One drop of kindness
- Hardcover Book
- Kubiak, Jeff (Author)
The power of one
The Snail and the Whale
The Invisible Boy
What does it mean to be Kind?
Teach THINK-
This is a great acronym to help your kids learn how to be kind. Anytime they want to repeat something they hear about someone else, teach them to ask the following questions:
- Is it True?
- Is it Helpful?
- Is it Inspiring?
- Is it Necessary?
- Is it Kind?
There are so many great ways to volunteer in your community. Here are some ideas:
- Free car wash
- Volunteer at the soup kitchen
- Pick up trash/plant flower or trees
- Fill backpacks with school supplies
- Read with young children at a school
- Visit a nursing home
Being kind to workers
When your kids go to places like the grocery store restaurant, or bank, they can be kind to the workers there. This includes saying hello and giving a thank you! Teach kids how and when to tip as applicable.
Helping other kids
One of the best ways to show kindness is by helping other kids! If someone is sad, help cheer them up. If someone is tired, encourage them to take a break. Invite other kids to play with you. Never leave someone out.
Plant something
Be kind to our planet by planting something! It can be in a garden, pot, or in an area that needs some love. It’s also great because it grows and shows the fruits of their kindness!
Make a compliment board
Have your family write down five compliments each on a slip of paper. You can hang the slips of paper in different places around the house, such as on a mirror or wall so that everyone sees them and is reminded to be kind!
Paint kindness rocks
Paint rocks with kind messages and thoughts on them. Then hide them around your town for others to find! These can be great ways to spread joy and kindness. Or, you could even leave them in places where someone might need a pick me up like on a bench or at the beach.
Play a cooperative game
Playing a game together can be a great way to get the whole family working together towards a common goal. Some of our favorite cooperative games include:
Hoot Owl Hoot
- HURRY LITTLE OWLS: In this color coordinated matching game, players cooperate to help the owls fly back to their nest before the sun comes up. Help all the owls home before sunrise and everyone wins!
- LEARNING AND GROWING: Kids learn simple strategy, following directions & taking turns. Two levels of play allow the game to grow with your child and lets older kids play with younger ones too.
- COOPERATIVE WHODUNIT GAME FOR PRESCHOOLERS: Introduce kids ages 4 and up to this classic, cooperative gameplay. Featuring a fun evidence scanner and adorable fox suspects.
- CRACK THE CASE: Can you help find out which Fox stole Mrs. Plumpert’s prized pot pie? You’ll have to work fast to gather clues and rule out suspects together before the guilt fox high-tails it towards the exit!
Friends and Neighbors
- ALL ABOUT OUR EMOTIONS: Can you help a little girl who’s sad because she’s standing out in the rain or a boy who’s afraid of the dark? Get a token from the helping bag & see if you can help someone.
- LEARNING AND GROWING: In playing the game and reading about the feelings and needs of the characters, parents can help their children recognize feelings in others – the first step to building empathy.
Gnomes at Night
- DARE TO ENTER THE MAZE: Gnomes at Night is a cooperative search-and-find maze game where players work as a team to maneuver the magnetic gnome movers around the maze. Work together in this quick-thinking communication game where every second counts!
- CALLING IN THE GNOMES: Twelve of the Queen’s most priced treasures have been stolen! The thief was last seen running through the castle’s stone maze, dropping objects in his haste to get away. It’s up to the Gnomes to find the treasures and return them to the Queen before morning. Can you help?
Mysteruim (ages 10 and up)
- IMMERSIVE MYSTERY: Step into the supernatural world of Mysterium, a cooperative board game where players unravel a haunting mystery with ghostly clues and paranormal investigation.
- GHOSTLY INTRIGUE: Assume the role of psychics and work together to interpret cryptic clues from a ghostly apparition to solve the perplexing crime in this immersive deduction and storytelling game.
Forbidden Island
- Invented by well-known game creator Matt Leacock.
- Join a team of fearless adventurers on a do-or-die mission to capture four sacred treasures from the ruins of this perilous paradise.
Kindness A-Z
Write down a different kind act for each letter of the alphabet, or even create your own challenge to see who can complete the most acts that relate to letters of the alphabet! Grab our Kindness Activity Challenge here.
Talk about diversity
Discussing diversity can be a great way for kids to learn about kindness. You could even have them write down what they think of different cultures, religions, and people from all walks of life. Learning about these things helps to break down barriers and make the world a more inclusive place.
Teach about bullying
Bullying is a big issue in our society and one that can impact kids of all ages. Talk to your kids about the different types of bullying, ways to prevent it, and what they should do if they see someone being bullied.
Write a Pen pal
Creating a pen pal with another child can be a great way to be kind. You could even exchange letters or other small gifts that you make yourself!
Gift a Box of Sunshine
This is a great project that can help to spread joy and happiness! You could either leave it on someone’s doorstep, mail it, or even just hand deliver it. It’s up to you!
Being kind to yourself
While it’s important to be kind to others, it’s also vital that you are kind to yourself! Take some time each day to reflect on what makes you beautiful, smart, talented, and/or special. Write a list of things you love about yourself and post it somewhere you can see it often. This can help you feel better about yourself and be more open to being kind to others as well.
Learning first aid
Knowing first aid is a great way to be kind. You never know when you might need it, and helping someone feel safe can make them feel loved and cared for as well.
Being grateful
Expressing gratitude can be a fantastic way to show kindness towards others and yourself. You could even create a gratitude jar, make a tree out of paper leaves, or do anything else that encourages you to think about the things you are grateful for!
Need more ideas for expressing gratitude? Read: A to Z Gratitude List for Kids, and Kids Gratitude Tree
Learn how to resolve conflict
Sometimes, people have arguments and disagreements. By learning how to resolve conflict, you can be a better friend, family member, and all around kind person!
Offer to help someone with a project or chore
Show that you care about what others need by taking the initiative and offering to help. Whether it is shoveling snow, washing dishes, or walking the dog, offer your services without being
Overall, there are many fun and meaningful ways to show kindness to others. Whether you are painting rocks, playing a game together, or learning about diversity, there are countless ways to spread joy and compassion in the world. I hope these kindness activities for kids can help you get started! So why not take some time today to think about how you can be kind to those around you? The positive impact you can have may just surprise you!